Left: original Lanvin Paris packing, cardboard box and label Right: lid of gift set with Lanvin Parfums name and logo
 Left: underside of base of gift set box Right: base with indentations for the bottle (right) and bottle top or atomizer (left)
Left and center: instruction leaflet for assembling and using the atomizer Right: certificate of guarantee for Lanvin perfumes; here are the Directions for Use:
Unscrew the glass stopper from the bottle and unscrew the atomizer which is next to the bottle. Screw the atomizer on the bottle. Hold the bottle with the bottom of the bottle up and press the piston with thumb for spray. It is necessary to press the piston several times in order to start the spray action
Presumably because it would be normally discarded after use, the perfume atomizer containing one ounce of Arpège perfume extract by Lanvin (Paris) is among the rarest of the Brougham personal accessories today. Unlike the vanity case, pad and pencil, mirror and cigarette box, the atomizer was not included in the Eldorado Brougham Parts List. The perfume and atomizer came in a small box. An accompanying leaflet showed the user how to assemble the atomizer top on the glass perfume bottle.
Firstly, the stopper had to be removed from the bottle; next, the atomizer top had to be screwed firmly in place (the latter had an inner plastic screw-thread); finally, the complete atomizer had to be turned upside down before pumping the piston and spraying out the perfume.
Reproduced in extenso, below, is an article by Cy Strickler, published in the BOA Newsletter, Vol. 2, No 1, in which he explains the research he did to try to secure some of these rare atomizers. In the early seventies, Cy was in contact with Alain L. Cosnier who, at that time, was Lanvin's Assistant export Manager. Cy had got from him Alain, earlier, six complete atomizer sets but these were ...LOST IN THE MAIL! [yeeeeegaddds !!!!]
The correct perfume for the Brougham is a one ounce bottle of Arpège, extrait de Lanvin, with a gilded atomizer top. After more than a year of searching for these bottles, I would like to relate a few of the facts about the possibility of locating one.
Arpège is one of several extracts produced by Lanvin Parfums of Paris, France, and during the late 1950's, Lanvin marketed Arpège in a special package including the atomizer top.
These special sets were not only put in the Brougham, but were sold over the counter along with other Lanvin perfumes. Their distribution was not as widespread in the United States as it seems to have been in Europe, but they were definitely available in this country.
These atomizer sets are now extremely rare and there are three major reasons for this. First, the simple fact that they were normally discarded when empty. Second, the delicate nature of fine perfume limits the amount of time it will last before starting to spoil and discolor, thus old stock was always sent back to the distributor after so much shelf time.
Third, Lanvin company policy dictated that when there was a change in a product line or introduction of a new line, all of the old items were immediately returned to the factory.
A network of Lanvin area representatives traveled around and checked on all outlets to be sure that their stock was being kept up to date, and as a result there are virtually no collections of old bottles just sitting around unnoticed. But there is still a chance, and there are several alternatives to the real thing.
Shown in the picture (...) [see Other Arpège Bottles and Tops, below] are various one ounce Arpège bottles that you might run across in a careful search. To be 100% authentic, the Brougham requires the bottle and atomizer on the far left. [photo No ...] The next best would be the bottle with the less elaborate atomizer (second from left ...). This atomizer was also offered by Lanvin at some time during the sixties, but it has also been discontinued and become very rare. Since it is a more recent style, there is a better chance of finding this type. The third bottle is called a dummy [Fr.: factice] because it does not contain perfume but a liquid that looks like perfume, yet will not discolor with age.
These bottles were once quite common in display cases, but have now become rather scarce because the Arpège label was changed to a new style several years ago. The bottle on the far right is the Arpège of today [seventies] with the new label, available at almost any quality pharmacy or department store for $40 per ounce.
Notice that the size and shape of the bottles has not changed at all through the years, so that any of the bottles pictured will fit perfectly into the slot in the Brougham rear compartment. But the problem remains, finding the correct old style label and atomizer top.
During my one year search, I have been able to turn up four bottles with old style labels and four new style atomizers. These will be made available to members who are interested in order to cover the cost of this and future research. The atomizers were found by a Lanvin representative in an old pharmacy, and the labels are from old dummy bottles that I located in Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles and Shreveport.
In all my travels and searches, I have yet to talk to anyone who has seen the correct atomizer within the last ten years [1965-1975].
From this point, I would suggest that you check the pharmacies, etc. in your area, and see if they can help. From my experience, anyone who finds the correct Brougham bottle and atomizer can consider themselves extremely fortunate, so good luck and good hunting.
I have corresponded with both the New York office and the main offices in Paris, and they say their stock is absolutely depleted. I even visited the offices of Lanvin on a trip to Paris last spring, and although they were interested and co-operative, they were unable to find any more atomizers, so all the obvious sources have been checked to no avail.
Other Arpège bottles and tops
The correct 1 oz. bottle of Arpège has a screw-top with decorative gold (brass) ring (above image, second from left). However, an acceptable compromise is the earlier type with glass stopper (image below) with gold thread around the neck; unfortunately, the atomizer top won't fit on it ...if you ever find one, hee-hee!
If you are searching for that elusive Arpège atomizer may find the images below to be very useful. The B&W images immediately below show the different bottles, labels and atomizers that might be found in the rear arm-rest of a 1957-58 Eldorado Brougham; the latter pics were first published by Cy Strickler in the Newsletter of the BOA, in the mid-seventies. Below these are close-ups of the authentic Lanvin bottle top and the Arpège label:
Various Arpège bottles and atomizer tops [Photos: © 1975, Cy Strickler]
Far left, the Lanvin Mother & Child intaglio, embossed (hollow) on the screw top. Next, side view of the screw-top. Next: the interior of the screw-top is plastic/vinyl (?) and was available in black or white. Far right, the gold-foil label with black lettering used on the authentic, 1 oz. bottle of Arpège perfume
This one currently resides in the rear seat arm rest of Brougham #230; I got it from Lanvin, in Paris, in the mid-seventies. No, there are NO MORE
 Here are two close-up views of the atomizer top
Dimensions of bottle: 13/8x1x 3/8 x1¾" [excluding bottle neck and stopper] Dimensions of atomizer top: 7/8" (top), ¾" (bottom), height 13/8"
Markings on base of Arpège bottles These four types have been encountered in Broughams with the "original" vanities
Type 1: "LANVIN - FRANCE - BR2" Type 2: "LANVIN - FRANCE - NET CONTENTS - 1 FL OZ - LANVIN PARFUMS - 1 NY BR1 - IMPORTERS Type 3: As above, but replace "1 NY BR1" with "1 NY BR2" Type 4: As above, but replace "1 NY BR1" with "2 NY BR"
The French Connection
In 1975, I too corresponded with the Paris headquarters of the Lanvin organization and was able to get from them the "last" atomizer bottle. I also contacted STEP, the manufacturer of the atomizer top to inquire if it would be possible to re-manufacture the old style top in small numbers. The price for a limited run (we have to assume that there may be no more than 100 potential buyers out there) was so prohibitive as to curb my interest in having them re-made.
Of note too is that STEP, the French manufacturer, stipulated that the new atomizer tops, if ordered, would not be authentic:
- the screw-thread insert would not be plastic but turned metal
- the original die to stamp the Lanvin motif on top of the piston had been discarded,
- the small metal nut located in the center of the screw-thread would be replaced by a translucent plastic one.
The local Lanvin representative in Geneva, Switzerland, was most courteous and most helpful when I inquired about the possibility of finding additional perfume bottles and atomizers. Unfortunately, his wife was killed in a traffic accident shortly after the initial contact was made and I felt that it would be in bad taste to pursue with him the matter of finding some of these old atomizers.
I contacted an organization in England, in 1976, called The Search and Find Agency. The latter sought these atomizers during a period of two or three months but uncovered none in the United Kingdom.
In 1997, Volker Meerkamp, a Brougham owner/admirer from Germany [volker@classiccars.de] found no fewer than THREE of the perfume bottles at a perfume-bottle fair in Germany. One of them looks like the original; it has the original Arpège label and is full of the old, dark-colored perfume ...but there is no thread for the atomizer! Instead, it has a plain, plastic stopper. The other two appear to be Lanvin advertising samples and are so marked [VAPORISATEUR PUBLICITE = advertising atomizer]; the base of these two bottles is markedLANVIN FRANCE. One of them carries a Mon Pêché label [ = My Sin], which is another Lanvin product. The atomizer top looks almost identical to the Arpège unit except that the top of the plunger is embossed with the letters MP [for Mon Pêché] in lieu of the usual embossed Lanvin intaglio. The second atomizer has an embossed P [for Publicité]; it had no label so Volker added an after-market Arpège label he got from MASTERMIND in California. Volker hopes to have photos of these bottles on-line soon.
Repro atomizers available
In December 1998 I received from that same collector [Michael P. Rizzuto of Mastermind Inc.] an offer to purchase a repro atomizer for $650 (actually, the introductory offer, valid for 60 days, was 10% off, i.e. $585). That is more than three times the selling price of my original - complete with bottle - in 1989; that bottle is the one used as the background image to this section - the same one I refused to sacrifice to Michael to make these reproduction copies in the early eighties. It seems that Michael is working also on a repro copy of the bottle too; at the end of his advertising flyer he says it "is half done now".
From the descriptive flyer, it would appear that the repro atomizer top is better than the original: Michael says, "...the only way to distinguish our copy from the original is that ours are superior in very way!" Michael says he knows only seven people on the whole planet who possess one of the originals. My records indicate the following nine cars have the authentic and rare atomizer: #170, 210, 212, 230, 250, 351, 436, 466, 590, and 692. Cars #272 and #666 may also have one. Car #280 is known to have a repro atomizer top; the owner recently offered to buy from me one of the authentic bottles shown below. Car #211 has an atomizer but I do not know it it is an original or the Rizutto repro. Three more authentic atomizers were sold recently on e-Bay [see below]; two of these probably will soon mate up with a Brougham, so that would make 12 or 13 cars so equipped ...out of 704! The other one has gone to the Edith Piafmuseum in France; Edith was a popular French singer of the forties and fifties; Arpège was her favorite perfume; to my knowledge, however, she never owned an Eldorado Brougham.
I estimate that more than half of all 1957-58 Eldorado Brougham models have survived and are restored or restorable. Of these, I am guessing that fewer than one third (i.e. 100 or so units) are or will be restored to "absolute perfection", which includes having all the original vanity items and the original owner's manual. About a dozen of these already have the originalArpège atomizer and a couple that I know have a Mastermind repro item. Of the remaining potential candidates for an atomizer, how many would be willing (or could afford?) to pay around $700 for the repro item (a trinket in Mike Rizutto's own words)? Twenty percent? I doubt it. Ten percent? Well, yes, at a push. But I think 1% is a more realistic figure. Will a dozen potential buyers - call it an income of $7000 or $8000 - suffice to cover Mike's massive investments in the Arpège atomizers over the last 7-8 years! He may well have to find another market for them, perhaps among collectors of vanity items and perfumes, to take up all the slack.
Finally, I wonder how many candidates will hold out for an original, now (apparently) worth from $2000 to $3000?
Arpège bottles are popping up
My own unending search for a Lanvin/Arpège atomizer has turned up NINE authentic bottles of Arpège perfume from the late fifties and early sixties, as well as eight equally authentic labels (in addition to those on the bottles themselves). These bottles and six of the labels are the same as those that were included with the 1957-58 Eldorado Brougham. Three had the NY Importers inscription; five carried the French inscription. Three bottles have already been sold. Three of the remaining ones are almost full, another is about half full, one has only a quarter of the perfume left and the last one about one-eighth [in any case you can still buy Arpège Extrait de Lanvin in any reputable perfume store]. Three of the labels are bright gold, two are slightly more yellow, one has a coppery hue [the one on the far left] and the last two look more silvery than gold [lower right]; they may have faded in bright sunlight. All these items are for sale (you may make me an offer via the Guest Book)
[Photos: © 1999, Yann Saunders]
Here is an ad for the regular 1-ounce bottle of Arpège [ without atomizer top ]
Recent, rare atomizer finds (2001-2002)
My continued quest for the holy grail [i.e. an authentic bottle, complete with the authentic atomizer top!] turned up no fewer than three of them for sale on e-Bay [Internet auction site], in 2001. Two of them turned up in the space of two weeks, in April 2001; the third was advertised in June 2001. Two more units appeared in 2003.
However, having observed their selling price, I have taken these items off my list of priorities! I now realize that there are collectors out there prepared to spend a lot MORE than me to acquire this interesting little piece of Eldorado Brougham memorabilia.
More on the "Arpège" perfume atomizers, and
Some record-setting prices from 2004-2009
$581... $840... $1,325... $1,790... $2,100... $3,400... $5,151... $5,500... $10,000
The Arpège atomizers are becoming more costly than gold! This "find" on eBay, in January 2004, turned out to be a VERY GOOD deal for the fortunate high bidder. He paid just $581 for this collection of six perfume bottles and miniatures ...that INCLUDED the rare Lanvin item. The posting probably escaped the sagacity of other potential buyers because there was no mention of "Arpège" in the item description:
$581 for this collection of perfumery items... including an atomizer of Lanvin's "Arpège" ! [ Photos: Internet ]
The owner of 1957 Eldorado Brougham #117 informed my in October 2010 that he had been able to aquire a few complete sets (some of them unopened) as well as some of the 1 oz perfume bottles, sansatomizer top. He wrote: I understand you might be retiring from the Database but have not heard of someone to replace you (which probably isn't possible fully!). So I thought I would send this to you and you can forward it to the correct person if needed. I was able to find still another original #829 perfume and atomizer set with instructions. This one is also in new condition and the perfume is full. This brings my "collection" to four of the atomizer and perfume sets, two of which are unopened and still in the original wrapper. I have also eight of the #828 refills, four of which are unopened.
A complete set of original vanities; these sets belongs to 1957 Eldorado Brougham #117; at far right, the owner's latest find (2010) [ All photos: © and courtesy of the owner ]
This other stand-alone atomizer sold on eBay, in August 2004, for $840 [ Photo: Internet ]
This atomizer set of Lanvin "Scandal" perfume extract sold on eBay for $1325, in February 2005; it is the correct atomizer but the wrong perfume for the Eldorado Brougham [ Photos: Internet, 2/2005 ]
The set on the left sold for almost $1,790 in April 2001 The one on right went for over $2,100, the same month. Both had empty bottles; the set on the right was missing the bottle-top [ Photos: Internet, 2/2005 ]
It was Jerry Jansson (Car #284) who told me that the preceding two price records had been broken in June 2001, when another Arpège atomizer set (below) was sold (also on e-Bay) for ...$2,578.88. I just can't believe to what lengths some people will go to satisfy their collector cravings! I contacted the vendors, subsequently, to explain why the bidding on these items had gone "over the moon". None of them had any idea that these "ordinary" perfume items were directly related to one of America's premier collectible automobiles. These vendors were able to multiply their investment by 100!
This identical atomizer containing "My Sin", by Lanvin, sold in October, 2003 for over $2,300 - where will it end ?
[ Photos: Internet, 2003 ]
Atomizer alone (no bottle) sold on e-Bay, in February 2002, for $2,550
This atomizer, with no box or other trimmings fetched $2,550 on e-Bay in February, 2002 [ Photo: Internet ]
The gift set below sold on e-Bay, in June 2001, for a record $2,578.88
Arpège atomizer gift set, complete with original box, wrapper, packaging and all documentation;
Left: the atomizer set (front). Right the atomizer set (rear), showing intact, round seal on bottle)
Left: bird's eye view of the Lanvin intaglio on the bottle stopper (the atomizer top - or bottle top - screws onto a special, threaded Bakelite holder) [Photos: Internet, June 2001]
The buyer of these two Lanvin perfume items (eBay, August 2004) briefly held the world record! He had to fork out $3,400 to get his hands on them. It would take a close examination of the atomizer to determine if it is an original or a Mike Rizutto reproduction item...
The bottle on the right, above, is an older version of the correct one for the Brougham, on the left [ Photo: Internet, 2004 ]
This one (apparently) sold on eBay in April, 2006 [item 9509219738], for the listed "Buy-it-Now" price of $5,500 ...minus a penny [ the set was mint in the box - never opened ]
This one came up on eBay in March, 2006, and (simultaneously) on the Website of the Chicago Car Exchange where it was listed for ... $7,000.00 !!! [ so far as I know, there was NO SALE ]
It was listed again on eBay in April, 2006, [item 4630734116] with a revised "Buy-it-Now" price of $5,995 [$1,000 reduction!]
And now... $10,000 !!!
This is something else. Still in the original wrapper, Lanvin's gift set #829, believed to contain the rare Arpege atomizer set. When the vendor asked what price he might ask for it, I mentioned the "record" prices, above, but told him he probably would have difficulty finding a buyer for four figures. I was proved wrong: He got $10,000 for it !
The same vendor put a second unit up for sale on eBay in June, 2006, with the same image [above, left]. Here's what he said about it: this auction is for one of the rarest things you will ever see. This is the holy grail of car accessories. It the LANVIN arpege ATOMIZER set for the 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brouham. This set has never been opened, and the wrapper, box, and obviously the contents, are in MINT condition. This is the ultimate! I have pictured the sealed set you are bidding on, and one that I sold in the past (opened) which you are not bidding on, but just so you see what the set inside looks like. they both came from the same source and I guarantee authenticity with my life. This bottle is the type "3" bottle [from my descriptions, above], which is one of the 4 original bottles, and I guarantee that! This is the LAST time you will have a chance to own this item. He wants ...$60,000 for it !
If there no limit (and so it seems) to the number of Brougham owners willing [and able!] to pay FIVE to TEN GRAND for a perfume artifact that sold new, in 1957, for $50, surely someone out there is daft enough to pay those 60 grand!
And here is the "record" LOW price [2005]:
One very lucky eBay surfer picked up these THREE items for just ...$9.99 !
This set could have beaten all previous records !
Left: this is the full set of "vanities" from 1957 Brougham #314 Right: in March 2006, the "Arpège" perfume bottle and atomizer top alone (right) were listed for $7,000 !!!Late extra: bidding topped out at $5,151 ...but that wasn't enough for the vendor !
The incomplete set, above (purported to have come from car #438?) appeared on eBay in April, 2006 with a starting bid of $99. Missing were the magnetized goblets and plastic tube container, the notepad was a repro item, the cigarette case was cracked and the lady's vanity by Evans was the wrong model. Nevertheless, the final selling price was an "astronomical" $6,400!
Note: the same (?) set appeared for sale, again, later the same month; the vendor (from Norway) vendor bought the $5,500 atomizer off eBay in April, 2006; did he acquire that one merely to complete one of these two sets?
Some Arpège Trivia:
For the 1957-58 Eldorado Brougham owners interested in the elusive Arpège atomizer, here is a fun excerpt from a 50's TV show aired in the USA, called You Bet Your Life, hosted by an aging Groucho Marx who, despite a wrinkle or two, definitely hadn't lost any of his dry wit. Believe it or not, the topic of the sketch is Lanvin's Arpège perfume.
Announcer: Groucho, Miss Broadwick and Mr. Edouard Cornand are willing to talk to you. So folks, if you would come in please and meet ...Groucho Marx.
Groucho: Say the secret word and you'll divide 101 dollars. It's a common word, something you see every day. Uh, Mister Cornand, I suppose that's you. What's your first name ? Edouard; I'll just call you Eddy, huh? Where are you from, Eddy, Kokomo or Kalamazoo?
"Eddy" Cornand: I'm from Paris.
Groucho: Paris, Illinois?
Mr. Cornand: No, Paris, in France.
Groucho: Oh, oui oui. When did you first arrive in this country, Eddy, last week? (referring to Mr. Cornand's heavy French accent)
Mr. Cornand: No, in 1923. (laughter)
Groucho: 1923? You got here before the Pilgrims did! (laughter). Now, Mr. Cornand, what brought you to Los Angeles; and don't say "a train". Because that's an old joke and we've had enough old jokes on the show tonight.
Mr. Cornand: I'm in the perfume business; I'm the president of Lanvin.
Groucho: President of the what?
Mr. Cornand: Lanvin perfumes (now uses the French pronunciation).
Groucho: I don't use perfume myself, I just rub my body with Ham's Beer (laughter). Whaddaya call your perfume, maybe I can get some clue from that.
Mr. Cornand: The best known are Arpège and My Sin.
Groucho: Uh, (...) Do you know any jokes about the perfume business? (...)
Mr. Cornand: [I like this one] I was leaving Paris and a friend of mine told me a little story about himself, just when I was going to take the plane back to New York; he said:
"... J'ai demandé à ma fiancée si elle couchait avec une chemise de nuit ou avec un pyjama, [I asked my girlfriend if she slept with a nightdress or PJs] et elle m'a dit: 'Pas du tout', qu'elle dormait avec Arpège; c'est tout ce qu'elle portait" [and she said: "neither, in fact; when I go to bed, all I wear is Arpège..."]
(laughter, Groucho starts laughing also)
Groucho: Well, that’s a good one, alright. That's a knee slapper if I ever heard one. Boy, I'm gonna tell that to the boys at the club tomorrow, that'll kill 'em. Or vice versa.
Is your perfume expensive, Eddy; if it is, that's why I haven't heard of it. How much do you charge for a gallon of this stuff? Or can you buy it on draft?
Mr. Cornand: (...) The price runs from 3 dollars for (? personal size Arpège?) up to 500 $ for 32 ounces (this is a quart, right?) ...and this excludes 10% taxes!
Groucho: Are there really any husbands who are willing to shell out $500 for a bottle of perfume for their wife?
Mr. Cornand: (nods) Not for their wife ! (laughter)
Groucho: Well, you don't have to explain, monsieur, I've been around. I'll bet you certainly look forward to Mother's Day, huh?
[Above transcript submitted kindly by Davy Borghys a Brougham aficionado from Belgium